Thursday, March 27, 2014

Guns Are Our Friends... Lets Treat Them Better , So They Stick Around.

Guns are our friends. With the help from technology and innovation we have awarded the most reasonable weapon , Guns. Just think about it , guns have saved us from being under control from many countries, that we fought and kept us Independent.

Because of guns we were able to fend off Russian , German take over.But more than that its out god given right to bear a weapon. Its even in our Bill of Rights. Our second amendment : Right to bear arms.But government are trying to ban one of our god given right. Government wants to issue a gun control  bill; Whats up with that ?

 Firearms are generally classified into three broad types: (1) handguns, (2) rifles, and (3) shotguns. Rifles and shotguns are both considered "long guns." A semi-automatic firearm fires one bullet each time the trigger is pulled, ejects the shell of the fired bullet, and automatically loads another bullet for the next pull of the trigger. A fully automatic firearm (sometimes called a "machine gun") fires multiple bullets with the single pull of the trigger.

Guns are multibillion dollar industry , that is helping us maintain pay a lot of bills. In those classes mentioned above , every single class contains hundreds of different of guns that still in production for military and for civilians protection. They also play a huge role Sporting and Outdoors  related industries also. 

Guns keep wildlife and game in control . Talk about all the hunting seasons. Millions of dollars are in leasing , tagging animals. People pay to get the tags and they pay to lease the land they want to hunt off of. Plus by hunting they keep the environment in harmony . They keep the right amount wildlife appropriate for the habitat. If they didn't some wild life like wild boars , deer will out number humans in this planet.

Beside protecting life and our loved ones  , its our right to bear arms. So we have to keep in mind Guns don't kill people , people kill people. Words to live by, Government needs to understand by banning gun  they will make a huge mistake and they will lose a lot of money. They should permanently call of gun banning/gun control for better of million of people ,and for the great United States of America.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Texting, walking more risky than distracted driving

On Wednesday March 5th , the Drudge Report published a blog about the danger of Texting while Walking . The blogger Neal Augenstein explains the danger of texting while walking. According to Neal the danger of texting and walking is more dangerous than careless driving.

When a person walks and text their brain can't process both function at the same time. Thus causing people to trip , or even worse distract's them from their surrounding. This World is already dangerous enough. There are thousands ways to die everyday in this world. And texting while walking is definitely one of them.

Based on a study done by Ohio State University the count for pedestrian injury is off the chart. The injury count has gone up three times since the last Decade.Its a real issue more than 41000 people are being treated every year in the emergency room.

Through this research and  report we can be sure this accidents are caused mainly by people under 30. Mostly 16-25 yr old teen/young adult are responsible for this matter. And this article is mainly focuses on this specific age group.

I totally agree with this report , only because this age group is sensible to technology . Always have to have it 24/7. And because of that nature accident happen to those who fails to give much needed attention to the road. The author showed some really important points , with statistics and with survey data. Making his argument more solid to the reader.If i had to rate him I would give him a solid 10. He does make his post more educational , with important eye opening facts. So overall he did a great job getting his message across to his audience.