Thursday, March 27, 2014

Guns Are Our Friends... Lets Treat Them Better , So They Stick Around.

Guns are our friends. With the help from technology and innovation we have awarded the most reasonable weapon , Guns. Just think about it , guns have saved us from being under control from many countries, that we fought and kept us Independent.

Because of guns we were able to fend off Russian , German take over.But more than that its out god given right to bear a weapon. Its even in our Bill of Rights. Our second amendment : Right to bear arms.But government are trying to ban one of our god given right. Government wants to issue a gun control  bill; Whats up with that ?

 Firearms are generally classified into three broad types: (1) handguns, (2) rifles, and (3) shotguns. Rifles and shotguns are both considered "long guns." A semi-automatic firearm fires one bullet each time the trigger is pulled, ejects the shell of the fired bullet, and automatically loads another bullet for the next pull of the trigger. A fully automatic firearm (sometimes called a "machine gun") fires multiple bullets with the single pull of the trigger.

Guns are multibillion dollar industry , that is helping us maintain pay a lot of bills. In those classes mentioned above , every single class contains hundreds of different of guns that still in production for military and for civilians protection. They also play a huge role Sporting and Outdoors  related industries also. 

Guns keep wildlife and game in control . Talk about all the hunting seasons. Millions of dollars are in leasing , tagging animals. People pay to get the tags and they pay to lease the land they want to hunt off of. Plus by hunting they keep the environment in harmony . They keep the right amount wildlife appropriate for the habitat. If they didn't some wild life like wild boars , deer will out number humans in this planet.

Beside protecting life and our loved ones  , its our right to bear arms. So we have to keep in mind Guns don't kill people , people kill people. Words to live by, Government needs to understand by banning gun  they will make a huge mistake and they will lose a lot of money. They should permanently call of gun banning/gun control for better of million of people ,and for the great United States of America.

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