Friday, April 11, 2014

Comment on a colleague's work (Toll and Rage)

             On Friday, March 28, 2014 my fellow blogger Real Tree Camo, wrote an outstanding blog piece about Toll Rage . What she wrote truly justifies every remarks about the toll road and its money making schemes. Why should anyone pay for toll road ? When there is a perfectly free road right next to it. If  the Government just voids this Toll road scheme, people would be very happy with the Government. Have few toll roads, just don't make them appear everywhere.

               If you want to read more about the Toll Road scheme my fellow blogger explained it really nicely. In that blog she has properly explained why we have them . And the benefit and harm toll roads brings to the citizens everywhere.  

              The author makes proper sense explaining her side of the story. She has proper evidence to support how much people actually owes to the Government , just because they don't believe in paying for the Toll. Like everyone should. We pay more than enough tax to build all out toll roads. We should not have to pay all the time. The Tx Tag is also unnecessary , if you forget to renew the tag you will end up paying more .
             The author is focusing majorly on young adults who believes they can make a change. And also to more knowledgeable adults who knows more about government and can stand up to the cause. No one wants to pay for toll roads , it should literally be free all the time so people can utilize both toll and free roads to their fullest potential . And save time.

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