Thursday, May 8, 2014

Pay Check To Paycheck (Extra Credit)

I finally had the chance to watch "Paycheck to Paycheck" , based on a women Katrina Gilbert. She is a mother of three. She lives in Chattanooga ,Tenn. She makes her living by working as a Certified Nursing Assistant . She does that by only making 9.49 per hour.  She mainly works as a care taker for the elderly . And she cant make any time for her three kids.She didn't make enough money to give them any birthday present or anything.All those bills pile up, and the only thing that is helping her is that she believes going to school and after this storm this all will get better. .Its sad to say but, Last week Bill Moyers and his band of merry truth sayers issued a staggering report: Bonuses allotted by firms on Wall Street in 2013 could “cover the cost of more than doubling the paychecks for all of the 1,085,000 Americans who work full-time at the current federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.” And yet there is no change in pay raise. Maybe its not much for some family but its really awful for families that have to live off one parent . I had the privilege of living that life when my mother lost her job. It was really awful , and i would never want to live a life like that .

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