Thursday, May 8, 2014

Response to Abortion should be LEGAL

On Friday, April 25, 2014 on my fellow blogger wrote a superb article on the legalization of abortion. My fellow blogger, ZHIMIAO went in to full discussion on why we should make it legal. First of all, every life is worth cherishing. It matters the same if the unborn child comes into this world planned, or by a mistake. 

Just to summarize what my fellow blogger; we should make abortion legal. There are many reasons for not making it legal, but here are some important points that u should see. It should be legalize if the mother's health is in Jeopardy. It’s not risking letting one person die to save another. Even though the unborn child is innocent, it's not worth keeping the child alive. The child might end up dying facing the real world.  The real world is harsh, with no mother to take care of the baby. Secondly being a mother should be a choice. It's a women’s right to bear a child of their own. Not just getting handed one. The unborn child who may or may not be treated with love or respect he/she deserves. The mother wasn't ready to bear a child. Besides the few that I have mentioned previously, there are a lot of factors that comes in to play. 

My fellow blogger showed some really facts and points of why it should be legalized. His point does hold their values. And they are very accurate. I highly recommend if anybody wants to read more on this amazing topic, they should check out the blog my buddy provided to us. 

I truly believe this blog was really meant of the younger generation. It’s up to them and us to make a change. If I can save one life at a time, I will be very grateful. Our future generation hold key for a better future and more happiness.

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